Thursday 12 August 2010

Pesticides in Agriculture DVD

Filming for the marine pollution advert has been on hold in the last few weeks for a couple of reasons. First of all as I was working on a piece for the Eco Festival in Athens to show the marine work Archipelagos do, using some footage I have filmed and existing work.

Secondly, we had four professionals from the University of Oradea – Romania, who came to Samos for three weeks. They consisted of two agronomists, a biologist and an economist, who were here to study the impact of pesticides in agriculture and on the socio- economic sector.

As I am making a DVD on pesticides, I followed the academics on field trips to various farms to document them taking samples for visual and lab analysis, and filmed them working in the Archipelagos laboratory.

Their work will be shown and reflected in the DVD being made, which will be used as part of a meeting with locals about the research findings, both on an agricultural level and an economic one.

The basic purpose of the DVD is to bring a message that biological farming is not alien, strange or unnecessary. It has existed far, far longer than any kinds of chemical farming methods, and it can relieve the land of long lasting environmental impacts created and imposed by chemicals. At the same time it is understood that, although it should be as a last resort, these herbicides or pesticides may be necessary. The problem is that some people will not even consider a change being for the best, but instead exacerbate the situation by overusing chemicals beyond what is safe and effective. I am planning to get interviews with locals practicing in biological farming for examples of how it can work.

Therefore I plan to highlight the dangers pesticides pose, especially when not used in accordance with instructions and correct protective wear, and to show people how to practice safely, for both personal reasons and for public health. In relation to this, it will also show how the farming methods chosen now can affect their land and livelihoods in the long term, therefore having an impact on their children’s heritage – in both their work and in the overall well-being of the island. In relation to this the tourist industry will be touched upon also.

I have done a shot list for this piece which I think will be more efficient than storyboarding, as the layouts are subject to change throughout the production process.

This is a project which will need to be updated after I leave, as results from samples of the land – sent to labs at Athens University and Oradea University for analysis – will need to be added, and people informed in respect of the findings.

Originally posted August 2009

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