Thursday 12 August 2010

Documentary & environmental filming with video journalism

For the next stage of the marine pollution ad (filming) I have come to Samos, as this is where the marine base is.

In a subsequent meeting it was decided the storyboarded ad style was too harsh for the approaching season as it targets tourism which is already suffering in the current economic climate. Therefore this structure may be carried out in a few months time.

The new style idea is more obviously comparative, using negative images next to positive ones and asking the audience which they would prefer. In this way the script is the main change with the shot list remaining similar and modifications taking place in editing.

I’ve drawn a couple of storyboards to suit this new style, though a decision need not be made until as late as editing. The idea for the first with a loose script idea, is along the lines of “a place to be proud of” as a statement at the beginning, followed by positive imagery. At the end “a place to be proud of?” becomes a question after the negative imagery.

The second storyboard has more obvious comparisons with negative imagery following directly after positive in a sequence of about six different scenarios. Possible text would be along the lines of “the choices are yours”.

Organic farming vs. pesticides:

I am currently getting footage together to make a short DVD about the effects of pesticides on public health and the natural environment, but also to offer solutions by giving examples of organic farming. This is to include interviews with various farmers and professionals.

General filming:

I have gathered footage of farmers burning toxic rubbish on the beach – plastic, aluminum and tin amongst other things.

I have also been filming trawler fishing boats as there has been a lot of activity lately with them becoming illegal in Greek waters from the 1st June (until the next season).

While filming this I spotted common dolphins feeding, so we went out on the boat to get some footage. They were filmed coming right up to the boat as well as long shots of them feeding/ playing. Flocks of birds gather above where the dolphins are, to feed on the fish as the dolphins gather them together at the surface. So for the long shots I had to simply look for the gathering birds.

It is worrying, however, to see the common dolphins so close to shore as this isn’t natural behaviour. One suggestion is that the excessive trawler fishing is depleting fish supplies so much it’s driving the dolphins to shallower waters in search of food. Current Greek law only states that trawler boats are not to come within one mile of the shore.

Originally posted June 2009

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